With a number of public holidays coming up, Australian’s have hit the jackpot when it comes to days off in the next few weeks, but while you feast on Easter Eggs and enjoy some rest, it’s the perfect time to start to give your spine a little Easter holiday love.
Whether you have a blissful five days off or you conned the system and scored an extra few days, it’s important to keep your spinal health in mind over this Easter break. Sitting for extended periods of time whether on the couch or in the car, may have negative effects on the spine.
Going for a road trip, staying at home or working through the break, here are a few helpful spinal health tips to remember while devouring some chocolate eggs or hot cross buns.
Road trip:
Taking a long drive? Remember to take breaks every 1-2 hours to stretch your legs and muscles. Using back support, such as a small rolled towel behind your back, is a great way to help your posture during the long journey. Also, try and sit upright with your head back before setting the position of your mirrors which will help remind you not to slouch.
Staying in:
If you’re choosing to hibernate this Easter break, ensure your spinal health is not an afterthought. While binge watching your favourite show, take standing breaks and try to maintain correct posture while on the couch. Don’t let the day pass you by, why not catch-up with loved ones by going for a brisk 30-minute walk in the great outdoors. Walking will not only help maintain your spinal health but will help you work off all those Easter goodies.
At work:
Didn’t have enough days off, or just love work that much? Don’t let your spine down with poor posture. When in the office ensure to take standing/walking breaks every 30 minutes and when sitting down try and maintain correct desk posture by paying attention to the way you sit. Avoid hunching or slouching at your desk, make sure your back is well-supported by the chair and you distribute your body weight evenly on both hips and keep your feet flat on the floor.
If you need a little extra help remembering your spinal health, the Straighten Up app is your pocket chiropractor. Set reminders and receive notifications about sitting right, stretching, improving posture and drinking water, all in the palm of your hands.
The app also provides you with a three-minute exercise program designed to improve your spinal health, stabilise core muscle groups and enhance your overall health.
For more information on maintaining your spinal health as well as overall health and wellbeing visit chiropractors.asn.au or find your local ACA chiropractor by visiting locateachiropractor.asn.au