Tips to Make the Most of the Warmer Weather
We’re now well and truly in the midst of spring and we’re all secretly celebrating the warmer days and bluer skies. Not to mention the burgeoning flowers and the sound of bees whirring as your foot hits the pavement. Now that winter is finally over – it’s the perfect time to start rising early to embrace the warmer days! Here are some helpful tips to make the most of spring.
Rise and Shine Earlier!
Now that the sun is getting up earlier – it’s time for you too as well. During winter, it is an absolute chore to get up early in the dark – especially in the cold and frosty mornings. Not only does waking up earlier allow you to peacefully flow into the start of the day, but it gives you more time to work on personal projects, have quiet time, or get in some extra endorphins by doing some exercise!
Getting up earlier to exercise first thing in the morning also allows you to remedy any temptation to skip workouts later in the day because of work, social commitments or just being tired. Want to start getting up earlier? We recommend setting your alarm 10-15 minutes earlier every day for a week – gradually moving the time back to where you want it. Getting up early shouldn’t feel like a chore, so try to find motivation by using it to focus on things that make you happy.
Get Some Sun
There’s nothing we enjoy more than walking in the sunshine, and not just because the warmth feels good on our skin. Sunshine has plenty of health benefits, and with the proper safe sun protection, walking is a great way to soak in the sun. Some great reasons to savour the sunshine includes helping produce more vitamin D, improves your mood; helps prevent obesity and getting a more restful sleep to name a few.
Set Some Goals
Set realistic and achievable goals for yourself. Start off by going for 30 minute walks three to four days a week. This can be by trying to get in 10,000 steps a day or start off with 30-minute walks, three to four days a week then adding more days in as you go. They say it takes 21 days to form a habit, so why not put it to the test!
Whether you’re working from home or from the office – use your lunchtime window to get a quick break from your screen and stretch those legs! You can even download our Just Start Walking App to find local walks in your area and use the GPS feature to track your kilometres and pace!
Just Start Walking app

The Just Start Walking app can even help you to find your local ACA chiropractor. The Just Start Walking app has some fantastic features to make it easy to adopt regular walking as part of your lifestyle.
Your ACA chiropractor can also help. They can provide you with tailored and appropriate care, as well as lifestyle advice to help improve your spinal health and overall wellbeing.
To find your local ACA chiropractor visit
Download the free Just Start Waling app from the App Store or Google Play.