January is slowly fading into the rear view meaning the new school year is rapidly approaching. These final days before Term 1 kicks off are always frantic, dominated by the search for uniforms, new shoes, and stationery. With it brings nerves, but also excitement. For some, this is just another school year. For others, it’s their first step up into ‘big school’.
As parents and children juggle countless thoughts while their relaxed holiday routines give way to the structure and demands of a new school year, it’s easy for things to slip through the cracks in the rush. However, it’s important to remember one crucial element of the Back to School season: forming simple, healthy habits that your child can do every day to maintain great spinal health this school year!
On average, children spend 200 days at school, meaning most of their time is spent at desks or behind screens where their posture and spines are an afterthought. Providing them with several key healthy habits to remind them of the importance of their spinal health is critical not only for their youthful development, but also ensuring their health is maintained as they grow older.
For this reason, the Australian Chiropractors Association (ACA) has developed a simple, easily digestible ‘Back to School Health Checklist,’ which covers all the bases you and your child need to know to encourage healthy habits both this year and into the future. Making the checklist a key part of your child’s daily routine not only fosters healthy habits, but also encourages responsibility and independence.
Read on to learn about the six key points in the ACA’s Back to School health checklist:
1. Backpack
One of the most important elements of any school uniform is the backpack. Yet, if not carried in a spine-safe way, it can cause more harm than good. Excessive weight or carrying it unevenly can have a major impact on your child’s growing spine. Key to carrying a backpack in a spine-safe way is packing heavy items – such as books and devices – at the back of the bag so they hug your child’s spine. When wearing the backpack, make sure it’s positioned below the shoulders and above the hips, use both shoulder straps and fasten the chest and waist straps to distribute weight evenly.
2. Posture
Sitting in a classroom for hours on end can make it easy to forget the importance of correct posture. The checklist reminds your child to sit with their shoulders back and relaxed, with both feet firmly planted on the floor.
3. Diet
Regardless of age, diet is a key pillar of a healthy, happy lifestyle. Establishing this early in a child’s development can play a major role in setting them in good stead for the rest of their life. Making sure their lunches are healthy, nutritious, and balanced is essential to ensuring they possess the necessary energy to maximise their school day! Plenty of fruit, vegetables, and water are highly recommended.
4. Screen Time
In a modern age dominated by the addictive allure of screens – be it phone, iPad, computer, or television – it’s important to reduce your child’s recreational screen time as much as possible. Prolonged screen time, and the slouching that often comes with, can lead to ‘tech neck’, an increasingly common injury that causes the neck and upper shoulders to strain from constantly looking at screens. If screen time is unavoidable, make sure your child’s device is positioned at eye level to help reduce strain on their neck, shoulders, and eyes.
5. Exercise
One way to ensure your child’s recreational screen time remains at a minimum is through encouraging outdoor play and exercise. Alongside diet, physical fitness is another cornerstone of a healthy life. Fostering this habit through at least 60 minutes of daily outdoor play at a young age can set your child up for adult life in a positive way. Exercise doesn’t need to be intense either, a simple walk or kicking a ball in the backyard can work wonders!
6. Consult a Chiro
Finally, children, like adults, can benefit from chiropractic care. By consulting an ACA chiropractor, you can help your child maintain a healthy musculoskeletal and nervous system. What’s more, ACA Chiropractors can offer valuable lifestyle advice and tips to help families get back-to-school ready, including guidance on properly fitting your child’s backpack. To find your local ACA chiropractor, visit findachiro.org.au
Don’t forget to grab your free ‘Back to School Health Checklist’ today! For more information and to download the checklist along with other helpful resources, visit backtoschool.org.au.