17 November 2021

Is Your CPD Ready?

Chiropractic registration is just under two weeks away, so it’s time to ensure you have all the continuing professional development (CPD) you need to meet your learning goals. The continuation of learning not only ensures competency in practice across a chiropractor’s career, but also leads to improved outcomes for patients.

As outlined in the Chiropractic Board of Australia’s Registration Standard: Continuing Professional Development, introduced in December 2019, chiropractors must undertake at least 20 hours of CPD activities to meet registration requirements.

A key element of the revised standard requires chiropractors to record a reflection on the learnings gained from all completed CPD. This includes noting what you have learnt and how you might use it to improve your practice. You must also plan and record learning goals, the activities that you will do to meet these goals as well record your final reflection.


The following checklist has been developed to help you identify the steps that you must complete to meet the Chiropractic Board’s registration standard. You should read the Chiropractic Board’s CPD guidelines for more information about the CPD registration standard. The Board has developed other CPD guidance documents to help you understand and comply with the CPD registration standards. These documents are referenced in the checklist.

  1. Identify and record your learning goals in your CPD portfolio (see Identifying your CPD learning goals).
  2. Plan and record your CPD activities in your CPD portfolio (see tips for planning your CPD).
  3. Make sure your planned activities meet the requirements of the CPD standard: (see CPD activities that meet the standard).
    a.    improves patient outcomes;
    b.    draws on best available evidence including well-established and accepted knowledge supported by research where possible, to inform good practice and decision-making;
    c.    improves your competence (performance and behaviour) and keeps you up-to-date in your chosen scope & setting of practice; and
    d.    builds on your existing knowledge.
  4. Keep evidence of the CPD activities which you complete.
  5. After you have completed each CPD activity, record your reflections on how it improved your practice in your CPD portfolio (see CPD reflection & CPD portfolio template).
  6. Keep a copy of your CPD portfolio.

Registration Open

Online registration renewal is now open. The registration renewal date for chiropractors with general or non-practising registration is 30 November. For full details on the online renewal process, visit the Chiropractic Board website.

The Chiropractic Board recognises that the COVID-19 pandemic has affected people in several ways, including financial hardship. “We know that this has been a difficult time for everyone and for some even more so as they deal with the financial impact of COVID-19” said Dr Wayne Minter AM, Chair of the Chiropractic Board.

Have you experienced difficulty fully meeting your CPD, particularly with regard to completing any face-to-face requirements of CPD due to the impacts of COVID-19? When completing your registration renewal, you should answer all questions honestly and accurately.

If you declare at the 2021 renewal that you have not met the standard due to COVID-19, the Chiropractic Board may request evidence in future of what you have done to address any identified gaps in your CPD learning needs as COVID safe options increasingly become available and/or restrictions are eased.


The Chiropractic Board has published a range of documents and guides to help chiropractors understand all the requirements outlined in the revised standard, including details on planning and reflections, record keeping and types of CPD activities. ACA have collated these new resources into one page at members.chiro.org.au/cpd

A reminder that you have until 30 November to complete your CPD requirements for this registration period. If you are still searching for CPD, why not check out our great resources for members including the ACA Webinar Library, Calendar of Events or our Academic Journals. Visit members.chiro.org.au to access these and complete your CPD with ease.