We at the Australian Chiropractors Association are keen to check in with you during this time.
We want to let you know that we have taken some important steps to address our operations during the current situation with coronavirus (COVID-19) to protect the wellbeing and safety of our members, employees, and the broader public.
We are committed to maintaining communication with members, our business partners and stakeholders; we will continue to explore digital mechanisms for all our activities and events, and of course, will keep you all informed through this process.
We have been building our business continuity for some time and today we are trialling all ACA operations being conducted remotely by all staff as part of this process. It seems likely that all staff will work substantially from home in the near future and we will advise you of these arrangements once in place. We are confident that we can continue to deliver the service we are known for by our members and stakeholders. Like many businesses, we are taking this step to not only protect our staff, but others in the community who are more vulnerable to the effects of this virus.
As a regulated health profession, the ACA reminds Australian chiropractors to be mindful of the public interest provision in the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law which provides an important mechanism for AHPRA and National Boards to take regulatory action if practitioners promote material, or practice in a way, that is not consistent with, or in breach of, current public health policy and guidelines.
We remind all ACA members to frequently monitor our COVID-19 Portal in the members’ area of the website. Given rapidly changing events we are adding more information and alerts to this portal every day. To access our COVID-19 Portal click here.
With wellness the number one priority, we wish you and your families the very best. As always, if you have any questions or concerns our team is available to assist.