A message to chiropractors from ACA President Dr Anthony Coxon:
It is a critical time for the chiropractic profession here in Australia as a review into the safety and efficacy of chiropractic care for children under the age of 12 years old is being conducted by Safer Care Victoria (SCV). Political decisions based on the findings of this review could have detrimental effects on the way chiropractors currently practice here in Australia, potentially limiting our ability to treat children under 12.
The voices of our profession and patients need to be heard as part of this review, as a strong community response will provide a crucial backdrop to the review’s findings. We want to highlight the important role chiropractors play in the paediatric care of thousands of children across Australia, and submissions by chiropractors and our patients are crucial in this.
Put simply, our goal is to ensure no unnecessary restrictions are placed on who chiropractors can provide care to in Australia. This result will be to the benefit of the thousands of Australian chiropractors who run small businesses and the patients who have benefited from chiropractic for many years.
The Association believes the care chiropractors provide to the whole family is safe and effective. We want this message to be broadcast loud-and-clear to those who wish to limit who we can see, and what care we can provide. I strongly encourage you to share your submission as soon as possible, and inform your patients to do so too, via engage.vic.gov.au/chiropractic-spinal-care-children-review
I know many of you will have already made your public consultation submissions on the Engage Victoria website, and we are grateful for your prompt action, but there are still many who have not. Making your views on, and experience with, paediatric care known will be important in ensuring chiropractic’s long-term success here in Australia. We are grateful for your support during this sensitive time.
Now more than ever we need to unite. If you are a non-ACA member become a part of the Association that supports you and join us in protecting the future of our profession.
ACA members can stay informed on this review process and what the Association is doing to support the profession, you may visit the COAG portal on the ACA website (chiropractors.asn.au/coag) or email [email protected].