We are delighted to report on the latest advances and success of the ACORN practice-based research network. The program of research and research capacity building, continues to go from strength to strength and to produce tangible outputs and benefits for the chiropractic research community, ACA and the profession more generally.
Of late, ACORN sub-studies have focused not only on practitioner-based data but also patient-based data (e.g. a recent sub-study includes a phase of data collection from patients receiving chiropractic care for headaches and another focuses upon patient experiences of chiropractic care across a range of health conditions). We anticipate and continue to encourage chiropractors/chiropractic-focused researchers across Australia and internationally to utilise the ACORN PBRN database to examine questions relating to both practitioners/practice and patient outcomes from care.
To date, the ACORN PBRN has directly produced 21 publications. With 11 papers/book chapters published or in press/submitted (in the journals British Medical journal (BMJ) open, Australian Journal of Rural Health, BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Chiropractic and Manual Therapies [2], Chiropractic Journal of Australia, Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, Australasian Journal of Ageing, BMC Neurology [2]), and another ten in preparation/final draft. Nine ACORN-related conference papers have also been presented at national and international conferences (including the International Federation of Sports Chiropractic (FICS) Assembly & Symposium [2017] and World Congress of Public Health [Melbourne 2017]) and a number are planned for the World Federation of Chiropractic in Berlin in March 2019. Two ACORN conference papers have been awarded prizes for quality and research excellence.
Twelve research teams comprising of a total of 30 investigators have submitted expressions of interest (EOI) to the ACORN Steering Committee and seven have completed their sub-studies of ACORN PBRN to date, involving collaborations from across Australia and overseas.
Important Latest Call for Input
The ongoing support of ACORN members is vital to the continuing success of the ACORN program. Shortly, a nationally significant sub-study (CHIRPA) will be administered through the ACORN network. This sub-study examines the research interests, perspectives and experiences across the profession with a view to providing guidance for research development and advancement into the future. Do look out for this sub- study recruitment call via email – your input and participation will ensure the rigour of the data collected and help provide a solid platform for further growing the research base of chiropractic across Australia.
Professor Jon Adams
ACORN Project Chief Investigator