Three positions are currently up for election on the ACA Board. Two current Directors, Dr John de Voy and Dr Alison Bennett have chosen to re-nominate.
Eleven other candidates are also standing for election.
In keeping with moving to a skills-based board, as proposed in the ACA restructure, the Board can provide guidance on the desirable attributes and skills being sought from candidates to ensure the Board has the right mix of skills and experience.
We have determined that weighting should be given to nominees with research and/or academic qualification and/or experience. This would be supported by demonstrable governance experience and/or qualification such as membership of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) or the Governance Institute.
We would also like to increase the representation of women and youth on the Board to improve cognitive and identity diversity and contribute to leadership development.
At our last meeting in September, the Board reviewed each of the thirteen candidates and scored them based on their application with regards to research or academic experience, governance education and/or experience, demographic diversity as well as self-declaration of compliance with applicable National Laws and social media/advertising.
From this process, the ACA Board recommends the following candidates to members:
- Dr Alison Bennett
- Dr Scott Charlton
- Dr John de Voy
- Dr Esyltt Graham
- Dr Julie Kendall
- Dr Gregory Marslen
- Dr Mary Papatheocharous
Eligible ACA members must vote for three candidates otherwise your vote will be invalid.
A statement from each of the thirteen candidates is available at along with information about the Annual General Meeting at Pullman Melbourne of the Park, on Friday 18 October 2019, 7:30pm.
Voting Process
CorpVote Pty Ltd specialises in the delivery of secure, independent ballots and elections and will conduct the Director Elections and Voting process on ACA’s behalf.
The Election will be conducted via internet voting. Voting opened on 23 September and will close on 16 October. The process offers members complete anonymity and allows for rapid, accurate vote collection and result analysis.
All eligible voting members of the ACA should have received an email from CorpVote, outlining voting instructions and providing members with their unique Voter Access Code. Members will also require their ACA member ID for authentication purposes.
Director Election voting will only be conducted through CorpVote and Director voting closes at 7:30pm AEDT Wednesday 16 October 2019.
I strongly encourage you to exercise your right to vote in this election. It’s quick and easy and can be done online from any electronic device.
Dr Anthony Coxon